Helsingin Klubitalo


Training Base delivers

Clubhouse International has 12 Training Bases around the world. Helsinki Clubhouse has been one of them since 2003.

Helsinki Clubhouse aims to provide in-depth training on the Clubhouse model annually in Finnish and English.

The training mainly includes familiarization with the Quality Standards of the the Clubhouse model. In addition, they are applied to the everyday life of the Clubhouse.

Training includes

Training consists discussions and lectures. Helsinki Clubhouse provides consultants for trainees to help and support them through a work process. Consultants make post-site visits or take virtual contact to participating Clubhouses in six months after the training to observe how Action Plan have been carried out.

Key targets of the training

The purpose of the training is a deep understanding of the Clubhouse model and its application in practice, as well as identifying one's own strengths and development needs. During the training, the trainees draw up an Action Plan to strengthen the operation of their own Clubhouse. In addition, the training includes participation in a work ordered day.

With training, we support the accreditation of Clubhouses.

Next Two week trainings at the Helsinki Clubhouse:

The following in-depth trainings on the Clubhouse model will be held November 4th-15th 2024 (in Finnish).

Contact information:

trainingcenter (at) eskot.org
elisa.lipponen (at) eskot.org; +358 40 7774 088
anu.rautelin (at) eskot.org; +358 40 1424 085

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